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2025 TAA Conference Bookstore Featured Book: ‘Publish & Flourish’

Publish and FlourishTriple your productivity. Write prose that is clearer, better organized, and more compelling. Publish in better journals and get more grants. Ninety scholars who followed the steps were studied, and 95% reported that their writing improved. They also increased then number of manuscripts submitted from a rate of two per year to nearly six. You can too, with Tara Gray’s, Publish & Flourish: Become a Prolific Scholar.

Purchase in the 2025 TAA Conference Bookstore

2025 TAA Conference logoFeature Your Book in the 2025 TAA Virtual Conference on Textbook & Academic Authoring Bookstore

Have a book of interest to textbook authors, scholarly journal article or academic book authors, graduate students, or faculty? Feature your book in the 2025 Virtual TAA Conference on Textbook & Academic Authoring Bookstore!


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