TAA Member Phil Wankat: Archival Articles on Textbook Production From the ‘TAA Report’

The fifth installment of TAA Member Phil Wankat’s curation and commentary of the archival issues of the TAA Report (now The Academic Author), Production, is now available. Articles include “A Production Primer for Authors,” Series: An Author’s Garden of Editors,” “A Production Primer for Authors,” Series: “Manuscript to Bound Book,” and “A Production Primer for Authors,” Last in Series: “Your Index: Does it Help Sell Your Book?,” and more.

Wankat selected articles that have information that is still valid today, and included commentary on each. We will be adding these articles to the web page, “Articles from TAA Report Archives (now The Academic Author) with Commentary,” over the next few months. The articles are organized into 10 categories, including Authors NeededCartoonsContractsEthicsMoneyProduction, Recognition and Rewards, Software, Textbooks as Scholarship, and Writer’s Block. 

TAA’s AI Committee Launches New Survey Aimed at Textbook and Academic Authors: Generative AI, Your Publisher & You

TAA’s AI Committee recently launched a new survey, Generative AI, Your Publisher & You, to collect information that can help members advocate for themselves in conversations with their publisher(s) about Generative Al (like ChatGPT) in contracts, policies, and statements. In addition to sharing the results, the Committee will be using the data collected to offer TAA virtual roundtable discussions on Generative AI in 2024.