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Most useful textbook and academic posts of the week: July 31, 2020

“A word after a word after a word is power.” ~Margaret AtwoodThis week’s collection of articles from around the web contains many strategies for writing that can make your writing process more effective and your results more powerful.

We begin our collection with misconceptions about being a writer, tips for reaching your writing goals, and being a trustworthy researcher. We continue with advice on writing what you want to know, writing imperfectly, organizing your writing, improving your essays, and reading to improve your writing. Finally, we explore revision strategies, tone, writing with a busy schedule, blogging, and fostering racial empathy through your reading and writing practices.

According to Margaret Atwood, “A word after a word after a word is power.” This week, focus on putting one word after another to move your projects forward. Happy writing!

7 Misconceptions about being a writer

Today, I thought it might be fun to take a look at seven of the misconceptions about being a writer that I used to believe (some of them for many, many years). Some of them were useful in their time and place, if only because they narrowed my options in the beginning and kept me from being overwhelmed by too many options. But each was also a joy to conquer on the way to seeing a much bigger vista on the other side.

3 Tips to help you reach your writing goal

Half the battle of writing involves finding the time. With things like the internet and streaming services singing a siren song for instant gratification, sitting down to do something that takes a lot of effort can sometimes be harder than the writing itself. I am a full-time student, a wife and dog owner, and I hold down a part time job. Writing can be overwhelming and exhausting to even think about with so much of your day demanding your time and attention. Here are three tips to help you reach your writing goals, even in the absolute whirlwind of your life.

Being a trustworthy researcher

In the BC (before Covid-19) we might have relied on networking opportunities at face-to-face conferences to find others who shared our interests. Many of us counted on those occasional meetings to make connections that might translate into opportunities for collaboration or even new positions. Now, professional travel has ground to a halt and academic events are being held online. At the same time, academic hiring is more competitive than ever. To succeed, we need to be sure we are presenting ourselves and our work as trustworthy.

Write what you want to know, with Laurell K. Hamilton

We’ve all heard the “write what you know” rule. Laurell K. Hamilton joined us to talk about how she got started by writing what she wanted to know. In this episode we discuss our various paths to learning the things that fascinate us, and which we want to be able to write about.

5 Tips to help you write imperfectly

As a writer, when you envision something you want to compose, it’s always perfect. Floating around in your mind, that undefined piece of artwork is incredible. You can’t wait to write it down, to express it in words, to share it with others. Then the moment comes. You sit down, open up your computer—or nab that pen and paper—and you start … writing?

Bullet journaling for organized writing

During these difficult times, living behind closed doors, I have found it extremely difficult to make time for my daily activities. I am positive that some of you have scrolled through social media and have found some pictures on Bullet Journals. For those of you who don’t know the concept, bullet journaling is you designing (doesn’t have to be fancy, or anything) a planner for you to organize yourself.

6 Essay writing tips 2020: How to get an A+

If you have to write an essay and if you don’t know what to do or where to begin, we have some great news for you! You can check out this article and follow our tips to learn how to ace every paper you write. These things will help you out later on in life, and you will never again struggle with writing an essay, article, or anything else that you need for school or work.

What “read more to improve your writing” really means

Everyone says you should read a lot if you want to improve your writing. I think there should be a caveat to that sentence. It’s not enough to just read. You have to analyze, deconstruct and synthesize that reading into your work. That’s what we’re going to look at today.

This, they, it, those, these – a revision strategy

One of my pet peeves is reading sentences which contain an ambiguous pronoun.  The pronoun stands alone, isolated. The lonely goatherd on the hilltop. Sentences that start with, or contain, an unattached this, they, it, those, these seem to expect the reader to just know what the this, they, it, those, and these refer to.

How to choose the right tone for your writing

The tone is one of the subtle things in writing that separates good from not so good writing. Getting the tone right is crucial, whether you are crafting a novel, a biography, a blog post, or even an article.

10 Tips for writing with a busy schedule

Whether it’s school, work, or family that’s got you strapped for time, fear not! Long time Wrimo Josalyn McAllister is here today to share her advice to help you find time to finish your novel on even the tightest of schedules.

That blogging thing

Blogs allow researchers to engage with a broad audience, including other researchers, in a less formal and more open way than traditional academic publishing. It provides an avenue to publish both research stories and expert commentary.

How to be an anti-racist reader (and publisher)

In the midst of political and social upheaval, where do you turn to gain understanding and to foster empathy? For many Americans, the answers are found in books; reading is a gateway to move beyond misinformation, habits and prejudices.