2024 TAA Council Elections – Cast Your Vote

Six candidates are running for two open positions on the TAA Council, the association’s governing board. Terms begin July 1, 2023.

Members received an email with a link to the ballot on March 8. To be eligible to vote, individuals must be members in good standing. If you are a TAA member and cannot vote electronically, contact Kim Pawlak at Kim.Pawlak@TAAonline.net or (507) 459-1363 to request a paper ballot.

The deadline for voting is Friday, March 22.

Writing is Thinking: Why It Should Be Integrated Early in the Process of Earning Your PhD

One discussion during a December 2023 TAA Conversation Circle on Writing a Dissertation centered on why writing should be integrated early in the process of earning a doctorate. Three academics who have earned their doctorates weighed in. Here are their thoughts.

Dr. Vernetta K. Mosley, a consultant and writing coach with Cultivate the Writer, explains that in her experience, students in non-writing intensive PhD programs tend to wait until the very end of the program to focus on writing, when it should be part of the process from the beginning.

Eight TAA Members Awarded TAA Conference Travel Grants

Eight TAA members were awarded travel grants to attend TAA’s Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference in Nashville June 21-22.

Each grant covers the cost of two nights of hotel and conference registration. The grants were made possible through gifts from several generous donors, including Robert Christopherson, Bruce Edwards, Laura Frost, Thomas Heinzen, Paul Krieger, Kevin Patton, Nilsa Perez-Cabrera, Jamie Pope, Theresa (Terry) A. Thompson, and Ruth Werner, whose gifts were matched 1-1 by Michael Sullivan’s $50,000 matching grant. TAA is grateful for the generosity of these donors in supporting this new program!

TAA Featured in New Book on Teaching Research Methods

The Textbook & Academic Authors Association was featured in a new book on research methods published by Edward Elgar Publishing, entitled Handbook of Teaching and Learning Social Research Methods.

TAA member and Research Community Manager for SAGE Publications Dr. Janet Salmons co-authored Chapter 23, “Teaching research methods online: informal or semi-formal professional development,” which featured TAA’s webinar program and facilitated writing groups, including the TAA Writing Gym and the Month of Motivation.

Busy TAA People: Dr. Janet Salmons Authors Chapter in New Book on Research Methods

TAA member Dr. Janet Salmons, Research Community Manager for SAGE Publications, recently published a chapter in a new book, Handbook of Teaching and Learning Social Research Methods (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023). The book “illustrates the wide range of approaches to teaching and learning social research methods in the classroom, online, in the field and in informal contexts.” Salmons co-authored Chapter 23, “Teaching research methods online: informal or semi-formal professional development.”

Textbook, Academic Authors Report Very Little Communication with Publishers Regarding AI

Eighty percent of respondents to the Textbook & Academic Authors Association’s latest survey, “Generative AI, Your Publisher & You,” said they have not had conversations with their publishers about their position on AI, their use of AI in their work(s), and/or contract clauses related to AI. The purpose of the survey, conducted between December 12, 2023, and January 8, 2024, was to help members advocate for themselves in conversations with their publisher(s) about generative Al (like ChatGPT) in contracts, policies, and statements.