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WIPO Publishes Contracts Toolkit for Authors and Publishers

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has published a new toolkit for authors and publishers that includes “a checklist of the most essential considerations while drafting and concluding a contract.”

Contracts in Publishing: A Toolkit for Authors and Publishers, was drafted by Brian Wafawarowa, Chairperson of the Publishers Association of South Africa (PASA), and Isobel Dixon, a renowned South African poet and Head of Books at Blake Friedmann Literary Agency in the UK, in consultation with several international author and publisher organizations.

The toolkit, which covers trade, educational and academic publishing, and professional and specialist publishing, explains broadly what publishing is and the why and how of contracts, including the “nuts and bolts” of publishing contracts, and briefly, what happens after the contract. It does not give, according to the toolkit’s introduction, “a set of specific terms of agreement or legal advice,” but is an “attempt to explain key contractual terms and their crucial role in good practice.” It was published in June 2024.

Download the toolkit

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