The Value of Continued Connections
By John Bond
Writing, to many, is solitary work. Research, as well, can connote time by yourself spent interpreting data, not to mention the time spent on the literature review. When it comes time to submit for publication, there are numerous hours of combing over your writing for accuracy and grammar. Then checking proofs prior to publication.
All of this adds up to time alone. Many academics, by nature, are solo people. Not all, but some. They understand the heavy lifting the individual has to do. Don’t get me wrong. I have met some big personalities in writing and publishing that love to talk. But they may not be, hmm, the rule.
Now add to this the events of the last four years. Shut downs. Virtual classes. Video meetings via Zoom or the like. These events may have nudged writers a bit more into an insular existence. If you are pushing back and saying, “No way. Since things opened up the last year or so, I am out connecting and living my best life.” Great news.
If you are not completely able to say that, then read on.
Connecting with people is so very valuable. In so many ways. First, it is part of the human experience and makes us all a bit more, well, human.
It is the source of improving (or developing) new ideas. That interplay with like or differing minds helps to age or improve your work and makes it better.
You may also find a future collaborator. Or reviewer for your work or manuscript. Even if not that person, they may know someone that knows someone.
Connecting with people also helps you physically and mentally. May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. As we have all heard, there is an epidemic of loneliness in society. Connecting with people improves your health physically and emotionally.
So, consider joining a writing group, or peers that are gathering for a live event. Consider going back to that book club, in person. Join a group on campus. Meet a friend or friends for coffee. Or get the ball rolling and invite someone yourself.
Is it important to be safe and recognize times when crowds may pose a risk? Sure. But I am encouraging collaboration. Conversation. Connection. Humanness.
Your work, and you, will be better for it.
One more idea. TAA’s 2024 Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference is taking place in Nashville on June 21-22, 2024. What better way to connect? I have attended this conference many times and they are worth your time and treasure. If you attend, I will be giving two presentations: A Guide to the Best Technological Tools for Authors (for the Tech Bewildered) and Content Marketing: The Most Comfortable and Effective Way to Promote Your Book. If you attend, I’d love to meet you in person. And maybe have that cup of coffee. I’ll also be participating in TAA’s 15-minute one-on-one mentoring sessions.
John Bond is a publishing consultant at Riverwinds Consulting. His new book is: The Little Guide to Getting Your Book Published: Simple Steps to Success. He is also the host of the YouTube channel “Publishing Defined.” Contact him at
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