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Pre-order your copy of TAA’s newest book: ‘Guide to Rights Clearance & Permissions in Scholarly, Educational, and Trade Publishing’

Guide to Rights Clearance & Permissions in Scholarly, Educational, and Trade PublishingLearn what you need to know to avoid and manage copyright infringement claims that arise from the publication of your book, article, or media project with TAA’s newest book by intellectual property attorney Stephen E. Gillen, Guide to Rights Clearance & Permissions in Scholarly, Educational, and Trade Publishing. In this book, now available for pre-order, Gillen covers the unique rights clearance and permission issues related to writing scholarly works:

  • Attributing text and ideas borrowed from others
  • Fair use
  • Dealing with authorship credit
  • Variations in rights-clearing strategies from field to field
  • The upside-down business model of open access journal writing
  • The non-exclusive rights reserved by some universities to the writings of their faculty
  • Whether self-publishing affects the potential to publish traditionally in the future
  • The variability in licensing models for open educational resources

Download the 18-page sampleYou’ll also get practical pointers and guidelines, and more than a dozen templates you can use to request permissions and secure releases. Put 40 years of rights clearance and permissions experience on your bookshelf.

June Jamrich Parsons, author of New Perspectives on Computer Concepts:Guide to Rights Clearance & Permissions is a must-read for every author. It contains essential information that will help authors steer safely through the sometimes treacherous waters of copyrights, fair use, permissions, and scholarly integrity. Mr. Gillen makes legal issues easy to understand, interesting, and at times downright fascinating. Even experienced authors who think they’ve ‘seen it all’ are likely to be surprised by some of the information that can be gleaned from this book.”

Barbara Price, PhD, a textbook editor and publishing professional: “Whether you are an author wishing to minimize your liability in publishing a work, or a publishing professional with a permissions and licensing program of your own, you’ll find a wealth of good, practical advice in this book.”

PRE-ORDER by May 15, 2018 and get immediate access to all of the customizable templates featured in the book! TAA members receive discounted prices. Click here to order