How reporting royalty income affects taxes for authors
It is well established that an author who is engaged in the business of writing for income should report royalty income on Schedule C, not Schedule E. But what about a retired author who no longer is writing but still receives royalties from previous work? Should retired authors report royalty income on Schedule C or E? Or, should a sole-proprietor S corporation that reports royalty income as corporation profits and author wages be used? Each reporting method has tax consequences and legal issues.
Join us 11/18 for the TAA webinar ‘Becoming a Productive Writer: Strategies for Success’
Why does it seem like there’s never enough time to write? One of the key challenges of academic life is balancing the many demands on our time; while writing is generally key to professional success, finding time to write is consistently challenging. Most academics realize that they need to protect their writing time but still struggle to do so. Rather than seeing not-writing as a simple failure, it can be helpful to see it as a reflection of the inherent difficulties of writing and time management.
Join us Friday, November 18 from 12-1 p.m. ET for the TAA webinar, “Becoming a Productive Writer: Strategies for Success,” where presenter Rachael Cayley, who blogs at Explorations of Style and tweets at @explorstyle, will discuss how and why academic writing is so hard and look at some strategies for establishing a productive writing practice.
Download a sample of ‘Writing and Developing Your College Textbook’
Writing and crafting a textbook and attending to authoring tasks is a time-consuming, complex—some would say monumental—project, even harrowing at times. The updated and expanded third edition of Writing and Developing Your College Textbook, will guide you through the nuts and bolts of the textbook development process, and provide essential background information on the changing higher education publishing industry, as well as how to choose a publisher, write a textbook proposal, negotiate a publishing contract, and establish good author-publisher relations.
Subscribe to our email list and we’ll send you a 17-page sample of the book.
Promoting a book? Making a career move? Join us 10/14 for the TAA webinar, ‘The Art of Being Interviewed’
For many of us, conducting an interview is easier than being interviewed. But when promoting a book, or even making a career move, you may be the interviewee. What does it take to deliver a “good” interview? How do you build a relationship with your interviewer? How do you prepare? What are the different ways to handle an in-person, an audio-only interview, and one that takes place on camera? How do you turn a bad question into a good answer? For on-camera interviews, what are the special considerations for attire that works on video?
Join us Friday, October 14, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET, for the TAA Webinar, “The Art of Being Interviewed”, led by Amy DeLouise, an experienced interviewer and video producer-director who has conducted thousands of interviews. She will walk us through the process, field questions, and help you feel confident for your next interview.
Q&A: How to write for student learning vs. faculty content
The following Q&A is based on a TAA webinar presentation by Michael Greer, from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and Development by Design, entitled, “Bringing Textbooks to Life: Strategies for Improving Student Engagement”.
Q: Laura Frost, Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Whitaker Center for STEM Education at Florida Gulf Coast University:
“One of the problems with producing a textbook that helps the student learn is that the faculty member is the person who is selecting the textbook and the publishers know this. Do you have any suggestions for authors who are interested in writing for student learning vs. faculty content?”