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eBook Download – Can My Textbook Publisher Really Do That?

First-time and novice textbook authors may ask themselves throughout the publishing process – “can my publisher really do that?” And the answer is “yes”. And “no”. And “it depends”. Your answer will be determined by the initial negotiation of contract terms and your willingness to invest time in marketing the work after it’s published. TAA’s newest e-book is full of advice on both. It includes:

  • Can My Publisher Really Do That? Common Author Questions and Answers From Industry Pros
  • College Textbook Publishing: Royalties, Risk, and Reward
  • 10 Tips For Your Next Textbook Deal
  • Refusal to Publish: What You Need to Know
  • Schedule Time to Market Your Work or Pay the Consequences
  • 5 Questions to Ask Your Publisher About Their Author Websites

This ebook and many more are included with TAA membership. Download

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