Join us 9/24 for the TAA Webinar: ‘Designing Your Online Presence to Communicate Your Academic Brand’

Increasingly, PhD students and junior scholars are creating an online presence to promote themselves and their work. Academics are also designing an online presence to assist in their transition to a career outside of academia or a different academic path within the university. But, there are so many platforms to choose from. How do you evaluate which ones to use, given the number and variety of options? Join us Thursday, September 24 from 3-4 p.m. ET for “Designing Your Online Presence to Communicate Your Academic Brand”, presented by Lee Skallerup Bessette, a Blogger and Social Media Advisor, and Paula Thompson, an Academic Coach, both from Academic Coaching & Writing, for an introduction to the most popular platforms and tools to help you decide which ones might be right for you.<

5 Must-use social media tools for academics

You know the old adage “work smarter, not harder”? That’s exactly what the following tools will help you do when it comes to sharing, creating, and scheduling messages for your social media platforms. While there are hundreds, if not thousands of tools available on the web, the five listed below—ones I actually use frequently and love—are user-friendly and excellent resources for you as an academic using social media. Did I mention that these tools will also help save you time?! So get creating, get sharing, and get social with these five must-use social media tools:

42 Blog post ideas for academic writing bloggers

Blogging is a great way to grow your audience and establish credibility. But what should you blog about? Our members ask me this ALL the time. First and foremost your blog should be about something that interests you. Blogging should be enjoyable, not another thing that you have to cross off your weekly list. Secondly, your blog needs to have a purpose. What is it that you want your blog to accomplish? Do you want to help people become a better academic writer? Do you want to share tips and strategies related to the writing process that you’ve learned over the years? It doesn’t matter what it is, but it does matter that you know and that it’s also clear to your readers.
So whether you are just starting a blog or just looking for a blog post idea for this week, this list will help you. Here are 42 blog post ideas for academic writers:

8 Reasons why academics should be on social media

Did you start a blog or Twitter account and post a couple of things before deciding you didn’t want to keep up with it anymore? Or, maybe you are still on the fence whether you should take the time to create a blog or Twitter account? Either way, more and more academics are getting involved on social media and seeing the rewards. There are more reasons listed below, but these are what we’ve determined are most important. So here you go, 8 reasons why academics should be on social media (in no particular order):