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5 ways to incorporate podcasting with your scholarship

In part 1 of a two-part webinar series titled, “Promoting Your Scholarship via Podcasting (It’s Easier than You Think!)”, Dr. Katie Linder, director of the Ecampus Research Unit at Oregon State University and the host of the “You’ve Got This” podcast, “The Anatomy of a Book” podcast, the “Research in Action” podcast, and the “AcademiGig” podcast introduced the concept of podcasting as an online radio show – one in which scholars can establish expertise on a topic. Addressing the individual scholar, she posed five questions to initiate the conversation of how to incorporate podcasting with scholarship.

1) Do you think your scholarship could be dissected into a wide range of episode topics?

Linder suggests that “before you get started with podcasting, it’s really helpful to brainstorm as many things as possible to put together into the show”. Start thinking several weeks in advance regarding topics. This can help determine the length and format of the show itself. Depending on the number of topics related to the scholarship, you may find a single series of podcasts released at one time is more appropriate than maintaining an ongoing podcast show on the broader scholarship topic.

2) Is there a niche audience for your scholarship, or is your scholarship of interest to a general audience?

The fundamental question here is “Who do you think is going to listen to your show?”, says Linder. Identifying the audience helps you decide how to reach that audience based on where they already interact online. Niche audiences, although smaller in size, can support very successful podcasts if you know how to reach them. Podcasts for general audiences will require additional promotion as the marketplace for general interest podcasts, according to Linder, is getting crowded.

3) Does your scholarship lend itself well to classroom use?

Can your podcast episodes act as a supplemental resource to your books and articles, adding “something extra” teachers can use in the classroom? In this way, podcasts can be used as audio resources distributed through your book’s website or publisher instead of as a long-running show.

4) Do you have things to say about the scholarly writing process?

This is the focus of Linder’s “The Anatomy of a Book” podcast series. Your experience in the scholarly writing process can provide a “behind the scenes” look at your writing process. “Write Now” by Sarah Werner, as another example, focuses on the writing life. In this style of podcast, the focus becomes the process more than the scholarship topic itself.

5) Do you want to share others’ perspectives on the subject of your scholarship?

This method, often accomplished through interview-based shows, is useful when building or participating in a community based around your scholarship topic. Linder’s “Research in Action” podcast takes this approach of interviewing other researchers on a range of topics and issues.

As you consider these ways that you can incorporate podcasting with your scholarship, Linder shared one thought that stands above these five questions – If there are podcasts in your discipline that you would want to listen to if someone else produced it, but can’t find it, consider creating it yourself. Others may be looking too.

The entire “Promoting Your Scholarship via Podcasting (It’s Easier than You Think!)” webinar can be found in TAA’s library of presentations on demand.

Eric SchmiederEric Schmieder is the Membership Marketing Manager for TAA. He has taught computer technology concepts to curriculum, continuing education, and corporate training students since 2001. A lifelong learner, teacher, and textbook author, Eric seeks to use technology in ways that improve results in his daily processes and in the lives of those he serves. His latest textbook, Web, Database, and Programming: A foundational approach to data-driven application development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, and PHP, First Edition, is available now through Sentia Publishing.







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