TAA member Michael Sullivan recently released the 10th edition of his Precalculus Series. The four-book series consists of College Algebra, Algebra & Trigonometry, Precalculus, and Trigonometry. Published by Pearson Education, the series aims to
Top 11 Reasons to attend TAA’s 28th Annual Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference
Have you registered yet? Here are the top 11 reasons why you need to attend TAA’s 28th Annual Textbook &…
Refusal to publish: What you need to know
What would you do if your textbook publisher asked you to work on a 3rd edition of your textbook only…
Spotlight on digital technology for textbooks at TAA’s 28th Annual Conference
Are you interested in learning how developments in digital technology provide opportunities as well as continually impact the landscape of…
6 Tips for selecting the right textbook publisher
Selecting the right publisher for your textbook is key to the success of your project, so it’s important to find…
Forming a publisher relationship: 6 Strategies for building rapport
In the first part of this three-part series, I described how product acquisitions works, and in the second part I…