Confronting the anxiety of academic writing: Reconceptualizing writing to clarify your ideas

The first article in this series, based on Rachael Cayley’s October 19, 2022, TAA webinar, “Confronting the Anxiety of Academic Writing,” considered the importance of taking academic writing anxiety seriously. The second discussed Cayley’s suggestions for tackling the intellectual and practical difficulties associated with writing.

In this third article, we delve into the first of Cayley’s three principles for reconceptualizing writing: using writing to clarify your own thinking. In subsequent posts, will discuss the other two principles: committing to extensive revision and understanding the needs of the reader.

The prelude: Preparing to write a scholarly textbook

Many think about writing a scholarly textbook years before actually picking up the pen to do so. That prelude is like musicians tuning up before a performance. It is an investment of time that is as critical to finishing a book as to beginning it. For a writer, the prelude is a time to organize notes and references. To draft and redraft a table of contents. To organize notes. To connect with potential editors. To investigate potential audiences and find colleagues who would consider adapting it in their teaching. The prelude contributes to the ease with which you can write the book and lays the foundation that there is an audience for it.

Crafting a persuasive academic book proposal

Crafting a persuasive academic book proposal is essential for convincing a publisher to accept and publish your work. It is a critical part of the publishing process, as your proposal will need to be both well-written and convincing. Your proposal should be clear, concise, and compelling, setting out the argument for why your book deserves to be published. It must also be relevant to the publisher’s mission and contain a comprehensive outline of your book’s structure. In order to create a persuasive academic book proposal, you must have an in-depth understanding of your topic, the market for your book, and the publishing process. You should also have an understanding of the audience for your book and the best way to communicate the value of your work to the publisher. Crafting a persuasive academic book proposal requires skill, knowledge, and creativity, but with the right approach, you can create a proposal that stands out and gets accepted.

Discover the 5 Cs of your optimal writing flow

Are you looking for a greater understanding of the mind-body connection in academic writing? Do you want to know how to get into the optimal writing flow and avoid writing blocks burnout while completing your writing project? In her 2023 TAA Conference session, “Discover the 5 Cs of Your Optimal Writing Flow,” Dr. Michelle Rivera-Clonch, Co-Founder of Writing in Depth: An Academic Writing Retreat, will pull from physiological psychology to help authors understand their brain/body reactions to experiencing adversity in the writing process. It will focus on identifying ways that invite us to work in an optimal writing flow by incorporating the 5Cs in your writing practice: Calm, Cool, Connected and Creative.

TAA CDEI Committee to launch survey on DEI-related publishing issues

TAA’s CDEI Committee is launching a survey in late April to gather information on several DEI-related publishing issues in nine categories, including reviewer-related issues, editor competencies, positive representation, case studies, understanding bias, incorporating triggering sensitivities, inclusive scholarship, and language.

The goal of the survey is to learn more about how TAA can support its members and their publisher’s efforts to incorporate DEI topics in their writing.

The similarities and differences between academic and textbook writing

What are similarities and differences between academic and textbook writing? Find out in the 2023 TAA Conference session, “Academic vs. Textbook Writing – Similarities and Differences”, presented by Kenneth L. Campbell, Professor of History at Monmouth University.

As an author of both textbooks and academic works, Campbell will explore the similarities and differences between these two types of writing. On the one hand, good writing is good writing, and it seems like many of the same principles should apply to both academic and textbook writing—and he believes they do.