Member Spotlight: Lorraine Papazian-Boyce

TAA member Lorraine Papazian-Boyce is President of PB Resources, an Instructor in the College of the Health Care Professions, and a textbook author in the health sciences discipline.

Her most recent publication include Pearson’s Comprehensive Medical Coding: Path to Success, 1e ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding: Map to Success, 1e, and Pearson’s Comprehensive Medical Assisting, 3e, 4e.

Member Spotlight: Drew A. Curtis

TAA member Drew A. Curtis is an Assistant Professor and Director of the M.S. Counseling Psychology Program at Angelo State University and both a textbook and academic author in the psychology discipline.

His most recent publications include Abnormal Psychology: Myths of ‘Crazy’ (2nd ed.). and Foundations of Abnormality: Myths, Misconceptions, and Movies (in press), both published by Kendall Hunt. Other recent publications include 1 chapter and 8 articles.

Member Spotlight: Kevin Patton

TAA member Kevin Patton is a professor and textbook author in the human anatomy & physiology discipline.

The 10th edition of his textbook, Anatomy & Physiology, will be released in February 2018. This two-semester textbook for health professions training recently won a Texty award (2016). He also has several one-semester books: Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Structure & Function of the Body, and The Human Body in Health & Disease. Besides some lab manuals, he has also authored the reference book Mosby’s Handbook of Anatomy & Physiology and student manual Survival Guide for Anatomy & Physiology.

Member Spotlight: Cheryl Poth

TAA Member Cheryl Poth is an Associate Professor of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Methods at the University of Alberta and both a textbook and academic author in the education discipline.

Her most recent publication is the 4th edition of Qualitative inquiry & research design published by Sage.

Member Spotlight: Michael R. Solomon

TAA member Michael R. Solomon is a Professor of Marketing in the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University and is a textbook and academic author in the marketing discipline.

He has published approximately 30 textbooks (including international adaptations) and over 60 journal articles. His most recent textbook is Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and Being 12th ed., published by Pearson Education.