Member Spotlight: Mike Kennamer

TAA member Mike Kennamer is a Director of Workforce Development and both a textbook & academic author in the education and health sciences writing disciplines.

He has four textbooks currently in print. The most recent revision was the second edition of Math for Healthcare Professionals, published by Cengage. 

Member Spotlight: Noelle Sterne

TAA member Noelle Sterne is an Independent Academic Editor, Author, Consultant, and Writing and Creativity Coach. She is an industry professional with experience in the English, Education, Nursing, Faculty Development, and Social Sciences writing disciplines.

Her most recent publication is Challenges in Writing Your Dissertation: Coping With the Emotional, Interpersonal, and Spiritual Struggles (Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2015). She published two other books previously: a spiritual self-help book and a children’s book of original dinosaur riddles. She has also published over 400 essays, writing craft articles, short stories, poems in print and online publications and blogs. She contributes regularly to four publications: TAA’s blog, Abstract, Two Drops of Ink, Transformation Coaching, and FromAddict2Advocate.

Member Spotlight: Kathleen P. King

TAA member Kathleen P. King is a Professor at the University of Central Florida, CEO of Transformation Education LLC, and both a textbook and academic author in the education, faculty development, and adult learning writing disciplines.

Her most recent publication, Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning published by Wiley/Jossey-Bass, is a 2018 Textbook Excellence Award (“Texty”) winner. She has published 32 books – 22 as author/co-author/editor and 10 as series editor.

Member Spotlight: Michael Greer

TAA member Michael Greer is a Lecturer at University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Editor for Research in Online Literacy Education, and both a textbook and academic author in the English writing discipline.

His most recent publications include The Little, Brown Handbook, 14th ed. and The Little, Brown Compact Handbook, 10th ed. Michael has published four other books on literacy, technology, and digital publishing.