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Cengage Seeking New Textbook Authors

Cengage, the leading provider of higher education materials, is currently seeking new textbook authors across all disciplines to join its creative team.

“While we’re eager to collaborate on full-length narratives, we’re equally interested in working with writers on smaller, focused projects as well,” said Erika Longstreth, Cengage’s Author Relations Manager. “If you’re a writer looking to contribute your unique viewpoint, whether through a comprehensive narrative or more targeted endeavor, we’d love to hear from you.”

Longstreth, and Catherine Schnurr, Director of Product Strategy & Operations/Author Relations, said that as their veteran textbook authors are retiring, the need to attract new authors to Cengage is increasing, and will only grow over the next five years.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can author with Cengage, contact Erika Longstreth at

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