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Member Spotlight: Victor P. Maiorana

Victor P. MaioranaTeach Like the Mind LearnsTAA member Victor P. Maiorana is both a textbook and academic author in the disciplines of curriculum & instruction, education, linguistics, literacy, and college textbook psychology. 

He has written three textbooks published in the last three years, all by Rowman & Littlefield, including Teach like the mind learns: Instruct so students learn to think, read, and write critically (2017), Preparation for critical instruction: How to explain subject matter while teaching all learners to think, read, and write critically (2016) and Fixing instruction – Resolving major issues with a core body of knowledge for critical instruction (2015).

What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on essays related to topics covered in the three textbooks. The main topics are as follows: In the professions, these things are true. A profession has, (1) a common language for practice, research, and discourse; (2) universal concepts, principles, and procedures of practice; and (3) standards that represent acceptable and expected practice. These elements of practice are present in the medical, engineering, and legal professions. Astonishingly, these core elements have long been missing in the teaching profession at all levels.

Share a recent accomplishment.

1. 01/03/2018 You’re Teaching Subject Matter Wrong  Rote instruction won’t cut it anymore in our fast-paced world; it’s time for critical instruction, writes Victor P. Maiorana. Education Week Articles

2. 02/07/2018 The Critical Need for Critical Instruction   Education Week on Jan. 2, 2018.). Victor P. Maiorana. Deer Park, NY. Vol. 37, Issue 19, Page 26. Published in Print: February    Education Week Articles

What is your favorite textbook writing tip or strategy?
Subject matter should no longer be presented in ways that induce roteism instruction and therefore rote learning. Instead, subject matter can now be presented in ways that reflect the human being’s natural and critical grammar of mind. I call this Mind Grammar and Subject Matter Universals, and they provide the basis for moving the profession (including textbook writing), from roteism instruction and learning to critical instruction and learning.

What is your best TAA experience so far?
The feeling of being connected, the newsletters, the webinars, and tips for social media.




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