How do you track your ongoing projects and manuscripts?

“I use both a very low tech and a higher tech method. In my study I have a magnetic white board with which I track major projects. This is where I keep the ‘big picture’ components of ongoing projects. There are three columns labeled project, status, and comment. When I take on a new project I write in the project name and use a combination of writing and magnets to keep up with the status of projects. I continue tracking through receiving payment for the project.
For planning each step of each project I use Asana, an online project management software. It is free for workgroups of up to 15 people and allows you to attach files and assign work to yourself or others, set deadlines, etc. They also have a mobile app so you can manage your projects on the go.”
Mike Kennamer serves as Director of Workforce Development at Northeast Alabama Community College and is President/CEO of Kennamer Media Group, Inc., a company that provides written and photographic resources in a variety of formats. He has written a number of textbooks, workbooks, instructor resource materials, video scripts, and online content in the health and public safety fields, and has had several articles published in higher education journals.
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