As a supplement to a February 2012 TAA webinar, “The Benefits of Blogging About Your Textbook”, presented by Kevin Patton,…
How to create titles for textbook chapters and sections
Assigning titles to chapters and sections is an important part of the craft of textbook writing as titles draw readers…
How to prepare for the next textbook edition
The thought of updating a textbook for a new edition can be daunting, but for James Kalat, author of Biological…
Be a proactive textbook author: 9 strategies for success
Physical geography author Robert Christopherson, who has the bestselling physical geography book in the United States and Canada, said being…
12 Secrets of a prolific textbook author
If you want to become a more successful and productive author, said Marilyn “Winkie” Fordney, the author of insurance billing…
10 Tips for preparing your next textbook edition
Steven Barkan, a professor of sociology at the University of Maine, and the author of five textbooks and one tradebook, shares the following ten tips for preparing your next edition:
1. The worst is over, but much yet is to be done. The first edition of a textbook takes much more time than any later editions, so the worst is over as you begin to prepare the next edition. However, the next edition can take much more time that one might expect. Research, data, and references must all be updated. Regardless of how long you expect the preparation of the next edition to take, it will probably take longer. The good news is that it will still take much less time than the first edition.