Soon after the Supreme Court’s decision this past spring in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, a story in The…
10 Tips to facilitate textbook successor author transitions
Finding a successor for your textbook(s) can be a daunting, arduous task. At TAA’s June 2013 conference veteran authors Robert Christopherson, Michael Sullivan, and Karen Morris presented a session sharing strategies for finding a successor and successfully transitioning the future editions of your texts.
The following is an overview of that presentation, highlighting ten tips to facilitate successor author transitions —“passing the torch.”
Featured Member Michael Spiegler – Textbook Writing 101
Michael Spiegler is a professor in the Department of Psychology at Providence College. A successful textbook and academic author for…
How MOOCs can offer opportunities for textbook sales
The rapid rise in popularity of massive online open courses (MOOCs) may benefit students and textbook authors alike by increasing…
5 Textbook authors share advice on coauthoring relationships
Q: “I am currently writing on my own but considering taking on a coauthor. What are some different ways that…
How to reach out to potential textbook publishers
Q: “I am interested in researching the types of textbooks that currently exist regarding preparing a student for a job…