Member Spotlight: Braja Das

TAA member Braja Das is the Dean Emeritus, College of Engineering & Computer Science, CSU, Sacramento and is both a textbook and academic author in the engineering writing discipline.

He has authored/co-authored 16 text and academic reference books in the area of geotechnical (civil) engineering. His most recent publication is Principles of Foundation Engineering, 9th edition (Cengage), which was released in October 2017 with a 2019 copyright. For the first through eighth editions, he was the only author. The ninth edition has a co-author (N. Sivakugan, James Cook University, Australia).

Member Spotlight: Katy Peplin

TAA member Katy Peplin is the Founder of Thrive PhD and is an academic author in the media studies writing discipline.

Her most recent publication is her second academic publication, Ford Films and Ford Viewers: Examining “Non-Theatrical” Films in the Theaters and Beyond forthcoming (Jan 1, 2020) in the collection The Institutionalization of Educational Cinema: North America and Europe in the 1910s and 1920s (eds. Marina Dahlquist and Joel Frykholm).

Member Spotlight: Paul M. Insel

TAA member Paul M. Insel is an Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, Stanford University and is both a textbook and academic author in the health sciences writing discipline.

His most recent publication is the 16th edition of his textbook, Core Concepts in Health (2020). Throughout his career, he has published 14 books and 51 papers.