Small textbook publishing houses offer author some distinct advantages that may be worth considering. According to Linda Null and Julia…
10 Steps to revising your academic article or book chapter
Many novice writers imagine clean, clear prose springing off of the fingertips of accomplished writers. Most writers will assure you that it does not work this way. We first write, and then, revise, revise, and revise some more.
Trying to write perfectly the first time around has three central problems. 1) It takes a long time; 2) It can be a waste of time, as you often can only see at the end of a paper what needs to be cut; and 3) Your writing will not be as good in the end because the best writing comes out of revising.
How to create titles for textbook chapters and sections
Assigning titles to chapters and sections is an important part of the craft of textbook writing as titles draw readers…
How to create textbook supplements
Chemistry author Karen Timberlake created a website for the seventh edition of her textbook, Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Inorganic…
How to get your textbook noticed by librarians and book buyers
Here’s what every book promoter and author should know: Libraries (and your local bookstore) provide a significant market for independent titles—especially self-published or those from small presses, said Kimber Bilby, ForeWord Reviews marketing director.
How to prepare for the next textbook edition
The thought of updating a textbook for a new edition can be daunting, but for James Kalat, author of Biological…