We invite you to attend TAA’s 27th Annual Conference on Textbook & Academic Authoring at the Baltimore Inner Harbor Hotel in…
Vice President’s Message
The student newspaper at the University of Illinois, The Daily Illini, recently ran a story on an issue that I’ve…
Robison publishes new book on work-life balance
TAA member Susan Robison, a former professor of psychology and department chair at the Notre Dame of Maryland University, has…
Walter receives TAA Textbook Contract Review Grant
Jenia Walter was recently awarded a Textbook Contract Review Grant for her upcoming textbook, “Building Writing Skills the Hands-on Way…
I Don’t Write Enough Because…
I don’t write enough because…
I have a day job—teaching.
I have no unscheduled time.
Author Beware: Predatory scholarly journals, Insights on OA predatory publishing from Jeffrey Beall
The increase in popularity of online scholarly journals has given rise to new open-access publishing models, including the gold open-access…