In her academic writing blog, “Explorations of Style”, Rachael Cayley offers three key principles for strong academic writing: 1) using writing to clarify your own thinking, 2) committing to extensive revision, and 3) understanding the needs of your reader.
Four candidates running for two open positions on the TAA Council
Four candidates are running for two open positions on the TAA Council, the association’s governing board. Terms begin July 1,…
New TAA Publication Grants awarded
Dr. Amy Rebecca Gansell of St. John’s University, Drs. Jan-Willem van de Meent and Chris H. Wiggins, and doctoral candidate Sakellarios Zairis…
Tax tips for authors: LLC or S-Corporation?
While the simplest way for a small business, a writer, to report their income and related expenses is on Schedule C of their personal tax return as a sole proprietor, the two most popular entities for authors thinking about expanding beyond a sole proprietor are LLCs and S-Corporations.
TODAY! TAA Webinar: ‘Everything You Wanted to Know About Publishing Your Academic Article But Were Afraid to Ask’
Join us Thursday, March 13, 5-6 p.m. EST, for the TAA webinar, “Everything You Wanted to Know About Publishing Your Academic…
Textbook proposal tips: Read publishers’ author guidelines
Most textbook publishers provide instruction on their website in the form of author guidelines for developing a book proposal that…