Join us for these 60-minute live, interactive sessions that connect you to experts discussing a variety of topics designed especially…
TAA Professional Directory is growing! New editors, indexers, textbook illustrators & coaches
Find professionals specializing in textbook and academic writing in TAA’s Professional Directory. All offer discounts to TAA members of up to…
The ultimate resource guide for completing your dissertation
Are you looking for the ultimate resource guide for completing your dissertation?
Join TAA’s Dissertators United Chapter and gain access to the resources you need to improve your writing, enhance your productivity, and ultimately complete your dissertation. Our resource list includes links to how-to articles, websites, blogs, books and apps that focus on:
TAA Podcast – Millions of Articles, Thousands of Journals: How an Individual Scholarly Author Can Thrive in Today’s Scholarly Publishing Ecosystem
The changing scholarly publishing ecosystem provides new opportunities, and some perils, for scholarly authors. Listen to this session by Jeffrey Beall, “Millions of Articles, Thousands of Journals: How an Individual Scholarly Author Can Thrive in Today’s Scholarly Publishing Ecosystem,” recorded at the 2014 TAA Conference in Baltimore, MD, which addresses how authors can better expose, promote, and share their research to reach a larger audience and achieve greater impact.
Focusing on scholarly journals, it will update you on some of the problems associated with predatory publishing, such as research misconduct and the publication of pseudo-science. It will also help authors select publishers that provide greater added value to their work, such as basic copyediting and digital curation.
Hudson, Whisenhunt receive TAA Textbook Contract Review Grant
Danae Hudson and Brooke Whisenhunt have been awarded a TAA Textbook Contract Review Grant for their textbook, Introductory Psychology, to…
7 Ways to conduct a successful crowdfunding campaign
Build a successful crowdfunding campaign with these seven tips from Amanda Barbara, vice president of Pubslush, a global crowdfunding platform for…