Call for Proposals: TAA’s 30th Annual Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference

TAA’s 30th Annual Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference will be held at the Renaissance Providence Downtown Hotel, Providence, RI, June 9-10, 2017. A highly interactive event, the conference will be attended by authors and aspiring authors of textbooks, journal articles, and other academic works, as well as by industry professionals from across the country.

TAA invites the submission of presentations relevant to authoring and publishing textbooks and academic works (journal articles, academic books, and monographs).

Two new templates added to TAA’s Templates & Samples Resource Library

Two new templates have been added to TAA’s Templates & Samples Resource Library, a Workflow Chart Template, and a Royalty Tracking Template.

The Workflow Chart Template was contributed by Kevin Patton, author of Anatomy & Physiology (9e), who uses it to track his workflow. Available in both landscape and portrait, each row is a chapter or section and columns track items such as chapter number/title, research, reviews, copyedited draft, etc.

2016 TAA Textbook Awards presented at a ceremony in San Antonio, TX, June 24

Seventeen textbooks have been awarded 2016 TAA Textbook Awards. Eight textbooks received Most Promising New Textbook Awards. Six received Textbook Excellence Awards, and three received William Holmes McGuffey Longevity Awards. The awards were presented at the 2016 TAA Conference in San Antonio on June 24. Nominations for the 2017 TAA Textbook Awards open September 1.

TAA recognizes members who have made exemplary contributions to the association

During an awards ceremony held at the 2016 TAA Conference in San Antonio June 24, several members were recognized for exemplary contributions to the association over the past year.

The President’s Award was presented to Laura Frost in recognition of her exceptional service to TAA. Laura has been an active Council member since 2014, and has been a member of the Conference Committee since she started, as well as a regular and popular presenter at the Conferences. Last year, she headed up a Committee to review and revise our policies for the Publication and Contract Review Grant program.