TAA Featured in Episode of The A&P Professor Podcast

TAA was featured in an episode of The A&P Professor podcast on April 12, “Pulse of Progress, Looking Back, Moving Forward,” with host Kevin Patton, an award-winning anatomy and physiology textbook author. Kevin’s comments about the benefits of TAA membership and invitation to attend TAA’s 2024 Conference on Textbook & Academic Authoring come in at 50:22.

In the episode, Kevin says: “With a strongly supportive network of colleagues, TAA provides many resources and active, engaging opportunities for growth and network-forming. TAA meets the needs of those interested in creating textbooks, lab manuals, workbooks, and other learning resources, as well as those who focus on academic writing, such as journal articles, dissertations/theses, monographs, and scholarly or other nonfiction works.”

Busy TAA People: Beverly Stein’s New Book Now Available

TAA member Dr. Beverly Stein’s book, Unlocking Meaning in Art Song: A Singer’s Guide to Practical Analysis Using Schubert’s Songs, published by Rowman & Littlefield, is now available on Amazon. Stein, a professor in the Department of Music at California State University, Los Angeles, signed a contract for the book with Rowman & Littlefield in May 2023. She credits TAA for helping her learn about contracts, and now that the book is published, for advice on marketing her book through participation in TAA Conversation Circles and other TAA resources.

Congratulations Beverly!

Journal, ‘Prompt’, Seeking Site Editor, Associate Production Editor

The editors of Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments are seeking applications for two positions: Site Editor and Associate Production Editor. Review of applications will begin on April 19th. Learn more

Prompt is a scholar-run, open-access, peer-reviewed online journal. It publishes academic writing assignments, accompanied by reflective essays, from all academic disciplines. Its articles bring together theory and praxis to promote better teaching of writing as well as illuminate the complexities of teaching writing in context. The journal publishes two issues a year with an average of 4 to 6 articles per issue. More information about the journal, including recently published articles and issue archives, is available here.

New TAA eBook on Artificial Intelligence & Authoring Now Available

TAA recently published a new eBook, “Artificial Intelligence & Authoring: How Textbook & Academic Authors Are Navigating AI Tools Like ChatGPT,” that includes the results of two TAA surveys on AI and authoring and several articles showcasing how TAA members are utilizing AI tools.

AI tools like ChatGPT are being used by textbook and academic authors to increase productivity, generate first drafts, organize research, and more.
