In a statement issued on June 19, 2020 – Juneteenth – the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA) Council has resolved to lead its members in establishing short term and long-term goals that affect positive change toward social equality in textbook and academic authoring as we move forward.
Attention faculty: Writing opportunity for your students from the New York Times
New York Times editor Susan Fowler is looking for op-eds from college students about “their experiences during the pandemic and…
Seeking contributors for forthcoming TAA book, ‘Guide to Making Time to Write​’
Have you developed a successful time management or productivity strategy? Do you use any software or tools that have been particularly helpful in managing your time or boosting your productivity–or have you created one yourself?
Join the TAA Authoring Community – Get $10 off for a limited time
With membership in TAA, you are not alone. As a TAA member, you become part of a diverse community of textbook and academic authors with similar interests and goals. Each new member enriches the community experience by expanding its breadth of knowledge and creating more opportunities for networking and collaboration.
2020 TAA Council election results announced
TAA members Dave Dillion and Rick Mullins have been elected to the TAA Council, the association’s governing board. This will be Dillon’s second term. They will serve three-year terms beginning July 1, 2020.
Dillon is counseling faculty and a professor at Grossmont College. He curated, co-authored and edited three College Success textbooks including Blueprint for Success in College and Career (Rebus Community, 2018), which won a Textbook Excellence Award from TAA and the Open Textbook award from Open Education Global.
Distinguishing features of academic writing #5: Accuracy
In our final discussion of this series on distinguishing features of academic writing, we focused on accuracy. Specifically, we considered…