Call for nominations to TAA Council

As a member-driven organization, TAA relies on members’ willingness to get involved in governance and other activities of the association. The TAA Governance Committee announces a call for nominations for two open Council positions. Nominations must be received by March 1, 2016. The term for Council positions is three years, with terms starting July 1, 2016. Council members are required to attend two meetings per year, one in January in St. Petersburg, Florida, and one the day prior to the association’s annual conference, held traditionally in June. Most travel and lodging expenses related to attending these meetings is reimbursed. Any member of TAA is eligible to serve on the TAA Council.

Join us 2/4 for TAA webinar on what academic publishers want (and why)

In higher education’s charged, competitive environment, faculty are expected to publish peer-reviewed scholarship, yet receive little concrete guidance on how to navigate the complex waters of publishing. Join us on Thursday, February 4 from 2-3 p.m. ET for the TAA webinar, “Ask the Editors: What Publishers Want and Why”, to gain practical knowledge about the publishing process. Register

Join us 1/27 for TAA webinar on blogging for academics

You’re an academic, busy with research and teaching. You don’t have time to blog! Wrong. Not only can you blog, you can use your blog to get your work before a much wider audience and to lead an ongoing conversation about your topic. Join us Wednesday, January 27 from 4-5 p.m. ET for the TAA webinar, “Blogging for Academics: A Journalist Turned Academic Offers Tips, Techniques, Inspiration and a Few Warnings”, presented by Mark Leccese, author of The Elements of Blogging: Expanding the Conversation of Journalism. Register