Reach your writing goals with a little help from your fellow TAA writers
Are you struggling to reach your writing goals? TAA recently launched a new Writing Accountability Group within its online member community, CONNECT, to help members share their writing goals and progress updates, give and receive encouragement, and keep each other accountable for daily, weekly or monthly goals.
2016 TAA Textbook Award nominations deadline is December 1
Gain recognition with your fellow authors and within the textbook publishing industry by nominating your textbook for a 2016 TAA Textbook Award. The nominations deadline for the 2016 Textbook Excellence Award (“Texty”), McGuffey Longevity Award (“McGuffey”) and Most Promising New Textbook Award is December 1.
Watch Fall 2015 TAA Webinars On Demand
Missed any of TAA’s Fall 2015 webinars? View the recordings in TAA’s library of presentations on demand. What is a…
Join us 11/12 for the TAA Webinar: ‘Negotiating (or Renegotiating) Your ​Textbook ​ Publishing Agreement: A Creative Focus on Business Terms’
While there are many aspects of an author-publisher relationship, the key component is your textbook publishing agreement. Publishing agreements determine the responsibilities of each party, as well as the deliverables, dates, revenue sharing in the form of royalties, and many other key elements. Join us Thursday, November 12 from 4-5 p.m. ET for the TAA Webinar, “Negotiating (or Renegotiating) Your Textbook Publishing Agreement: A Creative Focus on Business Terms”.
5 Reasons to nominate your textbook for a 2016 TAA Textbook Award
Gain recognition with your fellow authors and within the textbook publishing industry by nominating your textbook for a 2016 TAA Textbook Award now through December 1, 2015. The top 5 reasons to nominate your textbook for a 2016 TAA Textbook Award: