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Feature Your Book in the 2025 TAA Conference Bookstore

Have a book of interest to textbook authors, scholarly journal article or academic book authors, graduate students, or faculty? Feature your book in the 2025 Virtual TAA Conference on Textbook & Academic Authoring Bookstore!

For only $50, your book will be included in the conference bookstore (in order of receipt, so don’t delay!) and promoted to thousands of textbook and/or academic authors on TAA’s social media, in bi-monthly eNewsletters, in issues of the The Academic Author leading up to the conference, and more!

Your book cover, title, author(s) names, print & eBook purchase price, and up to 55-word description will be included in the conference bookstore, with a link to your external site for purchase.

Find your next unputdownable read at the 2025 TAA Conference on Textbook & Academic Authoring Bookstore! Learn how to boost your productivity, master scholarly article writing, develop your college textbook, and more. 


Please note that all ​content on this site ​is copyrighted by the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA). Individual articles may be re​posted and/or printed in non-commercial publications provided you include the byline​ (if applicable), the entire article without alterations, and this copyright notice: “© 202​4, Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA). Originally published ​on the TAA Blog, Abstract on [Date, Issue, Number].” A copy of the issue in which the article is reprinted​, or a link to the blog or online site, should be mailed to ​K​im Pawlak P.O. Box 3​37, ​C​ochrane, WI 5462​2 or ​K​im.Pawlak

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