TAA recognizes members who have made exemplary contributions to the association

Several TAA members were recognized for exemplary contributions to the association over the past year during an awards ceremony held at the 2016 TAA Conference in San Antonio June 24.
The President’s Award was presented to Laura Frost in recognition of her exceptional service to TAA. Laura has been an active Council member since 2014, serving on the 2014, 2015 and 2016 Conference Committees, as well presenting at TAA conferences. Last year, she led a Committee to review and revise the association’s policies for the Publication and Contract Review Grant program.
The Mike Keedy Award was presented to Claudia Sanchez and Sean Wakely in recognition of their enduring services to authors. Claudia has been on the TAA Council for several years, and now serves as Secretary. She led a task force to set TAA’s three-year Strategic Plan, and now serves on the Governance Committee, the Executive Committee, and the Personnel Committee. She also serves on TAA’s Foundation Board. Sean Vice is President of Product and Editorial at FlatWorld. Sean also devotes considerable energy to working with TAA through such efforts as regularly presenting at conferences, presenting webinars and writing newsletter articles, and working with staff on a variety of strategic issues.
The Norma Hood Award was presented to Kevin Patton in recognition of his devotion and commitment to TAA, particularly as demonstrated by works performed outside the limelight. A TAA member and supporter for many years, Kevin is a regular presenter at TAA conferences, is active on TAA committees, and is a responsive member of TAA’s online member community, contributing valued information and insights. In addition, he has authored multiple articles for TAA’s newsletter, The Academic Author, and writes a monthly guest post for TAA’s Blog, Abstract.
The Paul Anderson Award was presented to Pat Goodson in recognition of her exceptional efforts to promote membership in TAA. In addition to being a frequent and valued presenter at TAA Conferences and to contributing multiple articles to TAA’s newsletter, Pat has been instrumental in establishing and maintaining a vibrant and engaged TAA chapter at Texas A&M University that has been active for the past four years. She was also influential in starting an active TAA community at UNLV, through her mentoring of several UNLV faculty members (formerly her graduate students at Texas A&M). Pat is a strong supporter and promoter of TAA, spreading the good word about the value of TAA’s benefits and resources on campus, at workshops, and at other conferences.
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