In order to be a more productive writer while juggling many other duties in his career, William Weare, Access Services…
Busy TAA People: McKeague to speak on online education panel at Stanford
TAA Member Pat McKeague, owner of XYZ Textbooks and, will be participating in a panel discussion at Stanford University…
6 Useful software tools for textbook authors
In a recent discussion about software tools for textbook authors in the Academic Writing & Publishing discussion circle in TAA’s…
5 Tips to get the most out of your TAA membership over the summer break
Maximize your summer break and optimize your writing efforts by accessing the authoring resources available to you through your Text…
Lucander receives TAA Publication Grant
David Lucander, an instructor of Pluralism & Diversity at Rockland Community College, was awarded a TAA Publication Grant to cover indexing costs…
Tutorial – Twitter 101: Learn how to create an account, customize your profile, and start tweeting
Wondering how to get started on Twitter but not sure where to start? Follow these simple instructions to set up an account, customize it, and get tweeting!