Join us for 10/8 TAA Webinar, ‘How to Overcome the Perfectionism, Procrastination & Fatigue That Get in the Way of Your Writing’
Join us Wednesday, October 8 from 2-3 p.m. ET for the one-hour webinar, “How to Overcome the Perfectionism, Procrastination & Fatigue That Get in the Way of Your Writing,” presented by Ashley Sanders, a doctoral candidate in History at Michigan State University. Free for Members. Click here to register
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How do you overcome perfectionism, procrastination, and fatigue? Or more concerning, What do you do when you face writing anxiety that goes beyond “normal”? Based on personal experience, studies of post-traumatic stress recovery, and the work of University of Houston professor Brené Brown, this webinar will walk you through the issues underlying these common challenges. Learn practical how-to’s to overcome stressful or traumatic writing/feedback experiences to develop writing resilience and perseverance to achieve your potential.
Ashley Sanders is a doctoral candidate in History at Michigan State University, where she is writing a dissertation that explores the formation of settler colonies in the American Midwest and French Algeria. She is also involved in several digital humanities (DH) projects, including working as a Network Developer for H-Net. Her larger DH interests include the geospatial visualization of historical events, online learning communities, as well as using and creating digital tools to foster scholarly collaboration and conversation. Additionally, she is a full-time author for GradHacker, her own academic blog, Colonialism Through the Veil, and has written on various digital humanities topics for the Cultural Heritage Informatics blog. Her first publication, “A Study of the Teaching Methods of High School History Teachers,” appeared in The Social Studies, a peer reviewed journal, in 2008.
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