Some days require a little extra motivation to fill a blank page with meaningful words. Other days require reassurance that you aren’t alone in the writing struggle. Finally, there are days when you just need to take a break and read a few quotes about writing to inspire you. So, allow yourself to take a break and enjoy these 10 inspirational writing quotes.
10 Most popular posts in May
Each week, we bring you the most popular textbook and academic writing posts of the week from around the web. This time, we thought we’d share the most popular posts on Abstract for the month of May. If you haven’t read these posts, do so now! They are highly recommended by other readers 😊. Happy writing!<
United as writers: Why our struggles (and our triumphs) are the same
Let me be honest: I’ve never written a research paper that was published in a prestigious journal, or any journal for that matter. I’ve never spent grueling hours upon hours writing a dissertation. And I’ve certainly never written a textbook. However, writing has always been a part of my life. From always having a journal by my bedside, to writing stories, to starting my own blog.
Tip of the Trade: Is it okay to use ‘we’ or ‘I’ when writing for academic audiences?
During the TAA webinar, “Principles of Effective Scientific Writing,” Kristin Sainani, associate professor with health research and policy at Stanford University, said that she often gets asked the question: “Is it okay to use ‘we’ or ‘I’ when I’m writing for academic or scientific audiences?”
100+ Textbook and academic writing presentations for your summer inspiration
As summer writing season begins for many of you, I encourage you to check out TAA’s library of 100+ textbook and academic writing presentations on demand for inspiration and encouragement. Free for members! Not a member? Join TAA today.
How to move through writing blocks
A big thank you to Boot Camp Leader Ashley Sanders and everyone who participated in TAA’s Dissertators United Chapter Boot Camps! The last boot camp was held May 17. All of the resources from these boot camps are now online and open to all TAA members. Resources include recordings of mini-webinars, articles, templates, and links to resources such as books, apps, and more.