With all the demands on your time, you might think that you don’t have the time to read about your craft because you are too busy working on your craft. However, spending some time everyday reading about academic writing best practices, tips, and strategies can actually help you save time in the long run.
5 Approaches to writing group success
Writing groups offer their members a wealth of benefits. In fact, studies indicate that membership in a writing group can actually help boost your publication rate. In an examination of the publication rate of 48 female medical school faculty before and after participating in a writing group, Sonnad et al. found that the professors’ average publication rate increased from 1.5 papers per year to 4.5 papers per year after joining the writing group. Cumbie et al. also describe increases in productivity among writing group members, reporting “significant and positive writing outcomes in the form of manuscripts submitted for publication, abstracts submitted for conference presentations, [and] grant proposals developed.”
Subconscious productivity: Accessing your inner self
As a writer, I battle with procrastination, always have. At times I also find it strangely hard to revise my work. But in graduate school I hit upon a way of using my procrastination to produce nearly final copy the first time. The “method” was suggested to me by reading the Autobiography of Bertrand Russell.
Hull receives award for Best Article of the Year
An article co-authored by TAA member Richard Hull was awarded Best Article of the Year by the College of Optometrists…
Featured Member Brittany Rosen – A student of the POWER writing model
Brittany Rosen is an assistant professor in the College of Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services at the University of…
TAA launches new website and online member community
TAA announces the launch of its new website, featuring an updated look and improved navigation, making it easier to locate…