Member Spotlight: Pamela Gordon

TAA Member Pamela Gordon is lecturer at Norwalk Community College teaching classes in art appreciation and humanities and a textbook author in the art discipline. Her latest publication is Art Matters: A Contemporary Approach to Art Appreciation (Oxford University Press, 2020).

She is currently working on the second edition of Art Matters.

Member Spotlight: Corey S. Shdaimah

TAA Member Corey S Shdaimah is the Daniel Thursz Distinguished Professor of Social Justice at the University of Maryland School of Social Work and an academic author in the social work and policy implementation writing disciplines. Her latest publication is Social Welfare Policy in a Changing World.

She is currently working on two books- Research Handbook on Law, Movements, and Social Change with co-editors Steven Boutcher and Michael Yarbrough (forthcoming, Edward Elgar) and The Compassionate Court: Support, Surveillance, and Survival in Two Court-Affiliated Prostitution Diversion Programs with co-author Shelly Wiechelt (forthcoming, Temple University Press).

Member Spotlight: Cason Murphy

TAA Member Cason Murphy is an Assistant Professor of Theatre at Iowa State University and a textbook and academic author in the theater, music studies, dance studies, media studies, critical reinterpretation of the canon, and contemporary performance practices writing disciplines. His latest publication is The World at Play: Performance from the Audience’s Perspective.

Since he just completed his first textbook earlier this year, he has engaged in several smaller projects for now: a few performance reviews for theatre journals; fleshing out an essay from a conference proceeding on teaching a musical theatre performance class during the pandemic; and a survey of several video game-inspired theatrical performances that resulted from experimentation over the past 20 months.