By now your semester is in full force, but has your writing been on the back burner? Whether you are looking…
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: October 10, 2014
This week’s posts are not only useful to apply to your writing, but also thought provoking. One author even dared…
What TAA members value about their membership
We recently began sending a postcard to our members asking them to complete the phrase, “I am a TAA member…
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: October 3, 2014
This is a new series in which I will post the most useful articles I come across every week on…
When you need writing inspiration
Sometimes you just need a little inspiration to help you jump-start your creativity or break your writer’s block. Here are some writing inspirations. To view more, visit TAA’s Pinterest board, Writer’s Inspiration. Share your writing inspirational quotes in the comments section, or email them to
Executive Director’s Message
Did you hear it? The clarifying question…the laughter of recognition…the applause of approbation at seeing a colleague’s excellent work recognized…the intent…