Did you hear it? The clarifying question…the laughter of recognition…the applause of approbation at seeing a colleague’s excellent work recognized…the intent…
Registration for TAA’s September Dissertation Writing Boot Camp now open
Gain access to resources, accountability check-ins, and support and encouragement as you work to complete your dissertation by joining us for TAA’s…
6 Reasons to participate in a writing boot camp
Ashley Sanders, a doctoral candidate at Michigan State University and leader of TAA’s Dissertators United Chapter Writing Boot Camps, (the second boot camp, “Writing With POWER”, will be held Sept. 20-21. Register today) shares these six reasons to participate in a writing boot camp:
TAA Upcoming Fall Webinars for Textbook & Academic Authors
Join us for these 60-minute live, interactive sessions that connect you to experts discussing a variety of topics designed especially…
The ultimate resource guide for completing your dissertation
Are you looking for the ultimate resource guide for completing your dissertation?
Join TAA’s Dissertators United Chapter and gain access to the resources you need to improve your writing, enhance your productivity, and ultimately complete your dissertation. Our resource list includes links to how-to articles, websites, blogs, books and apps that focus on:
8 Academic writing blogs you should be following
When trying to find relevant articles to share on our Twitter feed I seem to always go back to the…