Throwback Thursday is everywhere. If you’re on Facebook, I’m sure you’ve noticed that on Thursdays your newsfeed is full of…
The best time to write, according to science
Have you ever wondered when is the best time to write? What if science could tell us when that time might be? You guessed it, there is. Check out this infographic for the answer. Then, in the comments section, share your best time to write. Happy writing!
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: May 8, 2015
If you find you are stuck, that the words just will not flow, focus on why you write. Focus on…
Featured Member Robert Christopherson – Textbook author shares how to maintain enthusiasm, organize production process
Robert W. Christopherson is Professor Emeritus of Geography at American River College (1970-2000). He is the author of the leading physical geography texts in the U.S. and Canada all published by Pearson Prentice Hall. He and his nature photographer wife Bobbe have completed twelve expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic regions since 2003, gathering information and photos for his books, Geosystems, 9/e, Elemental Geosystems, 8/e, Geosystems Canadian Edition, 4/e, and Applied Physical Geography, 9/e.
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: May 1, 2015
The semester is rapidly coming to an end, with some of you already finished. Have you given thought to your…
5 Strategies to move your writing forward after rejection
Rejection can be devastating and even crippling for a writer after pouring hours, months, or even years into a manuscript. Having strategies in place to help you cope with the sting of rejection will help move your writing forward. Here are five such strategies to use: