Do you want to boost your textbook and academic publishing success? Connect, communicate, collaborate, and publish! Join the TAA Authoring…
Cengage Learning emerges from bankruptcy
Cengage Learning announced April 1 that it has emerged from Chapter 11, having completed its financial restructuring. “We have used…
Taking humor seriously: How to use humor as a pedagogical tool
Robert Mankoff, cartoon editor of The New Yorker and founder of The Cartoon Bank, is one of the nation’s leading…
Where do you write?
Some authors have a home office, while others work at the kitchen table, or at a coffee shop. Where do you write and why?
Textbook authors on Cengage bankruptcy
A few weeks ago, TAA member and Cengage author Jay Devore posted a message on TAA’s Textbook Authoring E-List regarding…
Textbook writing strategies: Create your own editorial style guide
Starting with the first edition, physical geography textbook author Robert Christopherson developed an editorial style guide specific to his books.…