Can you believe it is already April and Easter is already this Sunday?! I love the warmer weather and the…
Top 11 Reasons to attend TAA’s 28th Annual Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference
Have you registered yet? Here are the top 11 reasons why you need to attend TAA’s 28th Annual Textbook &…
Refusal to publish: What you need to know
What would you do if your textbook publisher asked you to work on a 3rd edition of your textbook only…
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: March 27, 2015
“You can’t think yourself out of a writing block; you have to write yourself out of a thinking block.” ~John…
How to write a great manuscript cover letter
Writing a compelling cover letter to submit with your manuscript is more important than most authors realize. After all, publishing, at its core, is still a business built on relationships. Tailoring your cover letter to the interests of the acquisition editor makes a good first impression. This is especially important if you have not had the opportunity to meet the editor at a conference or in some other venue.
Ironically, part of the power of a brief cover letter also relates to its short length. In this age of information overload, short pieces of writing have an impact disproportionate to their size. Their very brevity makes it more likely they will be read. To get the most out of this potentially powerful little document, consider the following tips shared by Amy Benson Brown, a writing coach with Academic Coaching & Writing and contributor to the ACW Academic Writing Blog.
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: March 20, 2015
“The only writer to whom you should compare yourself is the writer you were yesterday.” –David Schlosser Simply put, I…