TAA member Joan M. Saslow is an independent author concentrating entirely on authorship of English language teaching materials.
Her most recent publication is Summit: English for Today’s World, coauthored with Allen Ascher and published by Pearson, now in third edition. She’s also published the Top Notch series (coauthored with Allen Ascher) now in its third edition, and the following titles, all of which are multi-level series with multimedia: Teen2Teen (4-level series with Allen Ascher, Oxford University Press) Ready to Go: Language Lifeskills, Civics (4-level series, Pearson) Workplace Plus: Living and Working in English (4-level series, Pearson) Literacy Plus (2-level series, Pearson), and English in Context: Reading Comprehension for Science and Technology (3-level series, Prentice-Hall).