In the first installment of this three-part series, “Forming a publisher relationship: The acquisitions editor”, I provided a perspective on…
Forming a publisher relationship: The acquisitions editor
For aspiring higher education authors and content writers, one of the first goals is to connect with a publisher. The next step is to leverage that connection into an immediate contract offer or build a working relationship that will one day result in a contract.
In this first installment of a three-part series, I’ll provide some insights about acquisitions editors. The acquisitions editor is the gatekeeper to forming a productive publisher relationship, so it’s particularly useful for authors to understand who acquisitions editors are and what typically motivates them.
Let’s start with a brief overview of the acquisitions editor’s role, key responsibilities, and performance metrics. Then I’ll cover how authors can leverage this knowledge in building a relationship with a publisher.
Textbook proposal tips: Read publishers’ author guidelines
Most textbook publishers provide instruction on their website in the form of author guidelines for developing a book proposal that…
How to reach out to potential textbook publishers
Q: “I am interested in researching the types of textbooks that currently exist regarding preparing a student for a job…
How to pitch a piece of writing
Pitching a piece of writing requires thinking strategically about possibilities for seeing your work published, given your personal and professional…
6 Textbook proposal writing tips
Six textbook authors share their textbook proposal writing tips:
“Make sure there is a demand for your book that currently is not being met by exisiting texts.”
David J. Ellenbogen, author of Elementary Algebra: Concepts and Applications
“Beware of putting anything in writing too early, since some editors will take your preliminary ideas to be definite proposals. When you do write the proposal, assume it will be your last chance to convince an editor to take an interest in the project. Also keep in mind that no matter how convinced you are that your book will be the best in the field, you have to make that clear to the editor, and you also have to explain to the editor how that is going to be clear to potential adopters.”