“The only writer to whom you should compare yourself is the writer you were yesterday.” –David Schlosser Simply put, I…
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: March 13, 2015
I’m excited for a few reasons this week. First, spring-like temperatures have arrived and stuck around for multiple days. (Woot!)…
What motivates you to write?
What is the one thing you need when you sit down to write? I don’t mean the obvious pen and paper or computer, but that one other thing that you always have when you write? Maybe it’s a tall-soy-caramel-macchiato and a corner booth at the local coffee shop. Maybe it’s a stack of papers with all of your research, or an expanding file folder packed full, yet obsessively organized, with research material. Maybe it’s not even a physical thing or place. Maybe it’s nothing more than a seed of an idea or a spark of inspiration.
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: March 6, 2015
Wednesday was National Grammar Day. Twitter was abuzz with grammar haikus, pet peeves, and funny cartoons. It’s a day filled…
9 Candidates running for TAA Council: Cast your votes!
Nine candidates are running for five open positions on the TAA Council, the association’s governing board. Three are officer positions, Vice…
Why print is still winning
The debate about digital textbooks (etextbooks) and whether they will replace their physical counterparts continues this week with recent findings from the University of Washington. Their study showed that roughly 25% of students who were given free versions of etextbooks still purchased a physical copy of the same book.
“These are people who aren’t supposed to remember what it’s like to even smell books,” said Naomi S. Baron, an American University linguist who studies digital communication. “It’s quite astounding.”