Every week I bring you what I feel are the most useful blog posts from around the web. So, I…
9 Incredibly useful productivity apps for writers
A couple of weeks ago I shared with you, 6 Tips for finding writing time. Yet, even if you find the time to write, how can you be sure to be productive and actually get words down on your page? The nine apps below will help you not only get words down on the page, but also keep your writing projects organized, track how long and how much writing you accomplished, and overall help you be a more productive writer.
Michael Sullivan releases new edition of his Precalculus textbook series
TAA member Michael Sullivan recently released the 10th edition of his Precalculus Series. The four-book series consists of College Algebra, Algebra & Trigonometry, Precalculus, and Trigonometry. Published by Pearson Education, the series aims to
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: April 17, 2015
There are SO many great articles in this week’s most useful textbook & academic writing posts! I’m so excited about…
42 Blog post ideas for academic writing bloggers
Blogging is a great way to grow your audience and establish credibility. But what should you blog about? Our members ask me this ALL the time. First and foremost your blog should be about something that interests you. Blogging should be enjoyable, not another thing that you have to cross off your weekly list. Secondly, your blog needs to have a purpose. What is it that you want your blog to accomplish? Do you want to help people become a better academic writer? Do you want to share tips and strategies related to the writing process that you’ve learned over the years? It doesn’t matter what it is, but it does matter that you know and that it’s also clear to your readers.
So whether you are just starting a blog or just looking for a blog post idea for this week, this list will help you. Here are 42 blog post ideas for academic writers:
6 Tips for finding writing time
Every day can feel like a whirlwind with little time to fit anything in, especially your writing. So how can…