More than 50 attendees at the 2015 TAA Conference took advantage of the free Photo Booth to get a headshot…
11 Takeaways from #2015TAA that you can apply to your own writing
It’s hard to narrow down one great takeaway from a conference that is jam-packed with great content. We’ve all been to a conference where only a few of the sessions were really great, but—and I’m not biased at all—at the 2015 Textbook and Academic Authoring Conference, every single session was great! But don’t just take my word for it. All eleven of the attendees I asked to give their number one takeaway said it was hard to give just one. Luckily, however, each was able to narrow it down and give really solid advice learned. I think you’ll not only enjoy these takeaways, but also, be able to learn and apply them to your own writing.
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: July 10, 2015
I love this quote because it reminds me of a fitness quote I also love (and as you may know, I am a fitness fanatic), “It never gets easier, you just get stronger.” I think this is also true for writing. It never really gets easier, but you do become a stronger, more confident writer the more you write. Don’t you agree?
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: July 3, 2015
Writing is like exploring a new place you’ve never been to before. As with exploring, writing can be exciting and fast paced, but it can also be scary and difficult, or it can cause you to pause and reflect. Some explorations are done alone, while others are done with a companion or a group, just as writing can be done in solidarity or in a group setting. By exploring or writing with others, they are there to push you, to focus you, and to help you along the way.
How to leverage a TAA textbook award
Receiving a textbook award from TAA is not only a great honor, it can also be used to increase book sales and advance your writing career.
Judy Rasminsky, coauthor of Challenging Behavior in Young Children and Challenging Behavior in Elementary and Middle School, both of which have received TAA Textbook Excellence (Texty) Awards,
Join us for the 7/23 TAA Webinar, ‘Why You Should Consider Self-Publishing & Print-on-Demand’
Learn why self-publishing and publishing on demand are very reasonable alternatives, by joining us Thursday, July 23 from 1-2 p.m. ET, for the TAA Webinar, “Why You Should Consider ‘Self-Publishing’ and ‘Print-on-Demand'”, presented by Robert Hoyt, M.D., author of Health Informatics: A Practical Guide for Healthcare and Information Technology Professionals, published by