Busy TAA People: Dr. Karen Hardy Named President-Elect of AFERM

TAA member Dr. Karen Hardy has accepted a new position as President-Elect of the Association for Federal Enterprise Risk Management (AFERM). Hardy has written four books, including Enterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Government Professionals, which won the 2017 TAA Most Promising New Textbook Award; Mastering the Art of Success, co-authored with Jack Canfield, creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul; Building Self-Leaders: A Model Training Program for Public Sector Employees; and Destiny, Dreams & Decisions: Empowering Women for Success.

President’s Message: TAA Reaches and Exceeds 3,000 Member Milestone, Other 2023 Accomplishments

It’s my privilege to enthusiastically report that we have had a banner year at TAA in 2023!

Thanks to the tireless efforts of our amazing new Executive Director, Kim Pawlak, and our two other new full-time staff members, Sierra Pawlak, and Kiley Thornton, TAA has been flourishing and the future looks brighter than ever. I’m proud to report that we ended 2023 with a record 3,020 members!

Allow me to highlight some other important accomplishments this year. We sent out a membership survey that revealed that thirty-one percent of responders said they joined the organization for our benefits and services. The top three benefits rated as most valuable were:  (1) educational webinars (31%), (2) our annual conference (18%), and (3) our monthly print newsletter, The Academic Author (14%).

Busy TAA People: TAA Member Angelica Ribeiro Authors New Book on How to Create Happiness at Work

TAA member Angelica Ribeiro, Ph.D. recently authored a new nonfiction book, How to Create Happiness at Work: Seven Evidence-Based Strategies to Enjoy Your Day (Kindle Direct Publishing, March 2024).

Based on scientific evidence and her own journey toward happiness in the workplace, Ribeiro shows how to create happiness at work, especially if we have experiences such as too much sitting; too little movement; too much time stuck in traffic; too little time building positive habits; too many tasks to do; too few hours of sleep; too much computer work; and too few social interactions.

Combining storytelling and science, Ribeiro shares how we can transform such experiences into happiness strategies, including making time to move, building positive habits during traffic, and creating social connections at work.

New TAA Professional Directory Listing: ‘Being Lazy and Slowing Down,’ A Service Provider for Academics’ Wellbeing

Being Lazy and Slowing Down, a service provider for academics’ wellbeing led by Kimine Mayuzumi, was recently added to TAA’s Professional Directory in the Academic Writing and Productivity Coaching category.

Being Lazy and Slowing Down offers a globally acclaimed blog emphasizing the significance of speed bumps and holistic perspectives for academics. Their services assist overwhelmed academics in transitioning from anxiety and burnout to ease, focus, and fulfillment while maintaining productivity on their terms.

Busy TAA People: TAA Council President Paul Krieger’s A&P Books Transformed From Print to Digital

TAA Council President Paul Krieger has been busy transforming his popular Visual Analogy Guide book series from print into digital and interactive books with Top Hat. His anatomy & physiology book, A Visual Analogy Guide to Human Anatomy & Physiology, went live on the platform at the end of January and his anatomy book and physiology books, A Visual Analogy Guide to Human Anatomy, and A Visual Analogy Guide to Human Physiology, will go live at the end of February. Congratulations Paul!

Macmillan Learning’s Susan Winslow to Give Inaugural Michael Sullivan Lecture on Textbook and Academic Authoring

Susan Winslow, from Macmillan Learning, has been selected to give the inaugural Michael Sullivan Lecture on Textbook & Academic Authoring as Opening Keynote at the 2024 TAA Conference on Textbook & Academic Authoring in Nashville, TN June 21-22. Her presentation, “The Very Human Experience of Learning,” will dig deep into the moments that make learning special: the emotions, the bonds we form, the aha! moments, and those big motivations that stick with us for life.

As AI becomes a bigger part of education, we can’t forget that at its core, learning is a human thing. It’s all about finding the right mix of tech and touch. The session will help us to understand the different ways to blend modern tech with the timeless human side of learning to help engage and inspire students.