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Busy TAA People: Kenneth Saladin Honored by Georgia College & State University

(L to R) GSCU provost; Saladin and his grandson who helped in the unveiling as part of celebrating his 10th birthday; GSCU university president; and GCSU vice president for university development.
(L to R) GSCU provost; Saladin and his grandson who helped in the unveiling as part of celebrating his 10th birthday; GSCU university president; and GCSU vice president for university development.

TAA member Kenneth Saladin was honored by Georgia College & State University (GSCU) at an April 12, 2024 ceremony renaming its science building the Kenneth S. Saladin Integrated Science Complex.

Saladin, the distinguished professor emeritus of biology at GSCU, joined the college’s faculty in 1977, and is the university’s largest donor.

He is the author of the best-selling textbook, Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, which received a McGuffey Longevity Award from TAA in 2017.

Saladin’s gifts to the college include $1 million gifts for the establishment of the John E. Sallstrom Honors College, for faculty-mentored student research in biological and environmental science, for the endowed William Harvey Chair in biomedical science to continue a unique premedical mentoring program that he created before retirement, as well as an endowment for the William P. Wall Natural History Museum.

He has also supported TAA with generous gifts, including a recent unrestricted gift of $10,000.

Congratulations, Ken!