Member Spotlight: John W. Budd

TAA member John W. Budd is a Professor at the University of Minnesota where he holds the Industrial Relations Land Grant Chair, and both a textbook & academic author in the employment relations writing discipline.

His most recent publication is Labor Relations: Striking a Balance, 5th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2018). The 1st edition won a “Texty” Textbook Excellence Award in 2005. He has also published three previous university press books on work and employment relations.

Member Spotlight: Mike Kennamer

TAA member Mike Kennamer is a Director of Workforce Development and both a textbook & academic author in the education and health sciences writing disciplines.

He has four textbooks currently in print. The most recent revision was the second edition of Math for Healthcare Professionals, published by Cengage. 

Your writing accountability partner this summer: The TAA Writing Gym

Flex your writing muscles in the TAA Writing Gym. This 6-week work-out-on-your-own gym time will serve as your writing accountability partner as you work to achieve your writing goals. The gym is free with your TAA membership, and is open to those writing textbooks, scholarly journal articles, and dissertations.

The gym will be open 24 hours from July 16-August 26, 2018. The deadline for signing up is July 9.

Inspiration for a successful writing practice: TAA writing workshops

A good writing practice takes just that–practice, as well as inspiration, organization, and determination. Support is also important, and institutions can play a key role in supporting and celebrating faculty authors by hosting writing workshops. The workshops provide faculty inspiration, information, and resources that can help them achieve greater publishing success.