Two weeks from today, TAA will kick off its 2020 Summer Webinar Series with its first session on Friday, June 12th at 3:00pm ET. Spotlighting six sessions from our cancelled 33rd Annual Conference, we are excited to meet with you virtually to explore topics impacting scholarly writing, share ideas and strategies, and network with peers. Presented on Zoom, these webinars are designed to be interactive events. We hope you will join us!
Welcome new members to TAA: April 2020
With membership in TAA, you are not alone. You become part of a diverse community of textbook and academic authors with similar interests and goals. We are pleased to announce the addition of eight new TAA members who joined us in April 2020.Â
Join the TAA Authoring Community – Get $10 off for a limited time
With membership in TAA, you are not alone. As a TAA member, you become part of a diverse community of textbook and academic authors with similar interests and goals. Each new member enriches the community experience by expanding its breadth of knowledge and creating more opportunities for networking and collaboration.
Mervin (Mike) L. Keedy Obituary
In March, 2020, we received notice from Nathan Keedy that TAA’s founding member, Mike Keedy, had passed away, just shy of his 100th birthday. Nathan provided his father’s obituary, which we share below, with an expanded section related to Mike’s TAA activities.
Mervin (Mike) L. Keedy Obituary
Dr. Mervin (Mike) Keedy died peacefully at home with his family on March 14. As a math professor it is fitting that he died on pi day, 3.14. Dr. Keedy was born (the oldest of 3 sons) on August 2, 1920 on a farm in western Nebraska of parents: Albert L. Keedy, Jr. and Iva Barney Keedy.
Member Spotlight: Talya N. Bauer
TAA member Talya N. Bauer is a Cameron Professor of Management at Portland State University and is a textbook author in the management writing discipline.
Her most recent publications are Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: People, Data, and Analytics; Human Resource Management: People, Data, and Analytics; Organizational Behavior: Bridging Science and Practice; Essentials of Organizational Behavior: Bridging Science and Practice; and Psychology and Work: Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
2020 TAA Council election results announced
TAA members Dave Dillion and Rick Mullins have been elected to the TAA Council, the association’s governing board. This will be Dillon’s second term. They will serve three-year terms beginning July 1, 2020.
Dillon is counseling faculty and a professor at Grossmont College. He curated, co-authored and edited three College Success textbooks including Blueprint for Success in College and Career (Rebus Community, 2018), which won a Textbook Excellence Award from TAA and the Open Textbook award from Open Education Global.